Michael Szönyi at alpineSTOCK.com – making natural processes tangible

Photographs by Michael Szönyi convey the beauty and dynamics of nature. They show the care with which his work is created. He captures natural processes that are sometimes fast, sometimes slow over millions of years. These processes take place not only, but mainly in mountainous regions. As the name suggests, alpineSTOCK.com is home to the Alpine region with images of glaciers, hikes and waterfalls, but also spectacular eruptions and mystical underwater formations on the volcanic islands of Hawai’i. It doesn’t always have to be the distant destinations like the northern lights in Iceland or the geysers of Yellowstone that are able to tell a story, smaller beauties in the immediate vicinity of civilization are also part of it.

Michael Szönyi is primarily a natural scientist and deals full-time with natural hazards such as floods and earthquakes. Secondly, he is a photographer, and thirdly, he is the author of several volumes in the “Georeisen” series. His photographs have been represented by the photo agency alpineSTOCK.com for many years.

All pictures by Michael Szönyi at alpineSTOCK.com can be found here:
Books in the “Geoland” series by Michael Szönyi :

Toblerstrasse 76a
CH-8044 Zurich

Phone +41 44 500 50 99

Main image: Ice in the glacier cave, Zinal Glacier, Val d’Anniviers | Michael Szönyi/alpineSTOCK